Introducing the Rotary Adelaide Central team ...
Eileen’s background is as a professional Bookkeeper/BAS Agent through her own business EDF Australia Pty Ltd.
She enjoys assisting Not-for-Profits with their accounting responsibilities, so immediately offered to take on Adelaide West Rotary's Board Position as Treasurer for 2013/14 and 2014/15, and having completed her Presidential year with the Rotary Club of Adelaide Central has resumed her role as Treasurer.
Soon after joining, Eileen leapt into joining the 2013 Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) to build her knowledge of Rotary and enjoyed the experience greatly.
She is a bright, vibrant and greatly valued member of the Club. Always welcoming our guests at weekly meetings, assisting with fundraising activities such as movie days and BBQs, actively supporting Rotary's anti-domestic violence initiative 'The Walk for Respect' and much more.
Eileen is married to Vince and they have lived in the Prospect area for more than 40 years. They have an adult son, David, who is married to Laura and they have given Eileen two grandchildren whom she adores.